CSMB 67th Annual conference 2024 UManitoba
May 6-8, 2024. Dr. Tarik Möröy and Dr. Julie Ross participated in the 67th Annual Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences (CSMB) Meeting in Winnipeg, at the University of Manitoba Bannatyne campus. The conference theme was "Gene Regulation: From Cells to Systems”.
Canadian Science Policy conference 2023
November 2, 2023. Our director, Dr. Tarik Möröy, attended the in-person portion of the CSPC Meeting in Ottawa. It was an opportunity to meet and network with decision-makers, stakeholders in Science Policy in Canada, and science advocates, including the author of the Bouchard report, Frédéric Bouchard, and Minister Kirsty Duncan.
ISEH 52nd Annual Scientific Meeting
August 2023. Möröy lab member Kaifee Arman presented a poster at the 52nd Annual Conference of the International Society for Experimental hematology, in New York, USA.
10th International gamma delta T cell conference
June 20-23, 2023. Möröy lab member Jennifer Fraszczak presented two posters at the 10h International gamma delta T ell conference, held in Posto, Portugal.
90e édition Congrès ACFAS 2023
May 10, 2023. Dr. Tarik Möröy participated in the 90th edition of the Acfas conference held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Moroylab at IRCM’s 50th anniversary
April, 2017.
Moroylab at IRCM’s 50th anniversary
October, 2017.
Moroy lab at the ISEH meeting
July, 2017. Two posters and one talk – on Gfi1, Gfi1b and Miz-1
Tarik Möröy Appointed Vice-President of the CSMB
July 1, 2017. The Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences (CSMB) Annual General Meeting recently place in Ottawa. On this occasion Tarik Möröy was elected Vice-President of the SCBM Board of Directors.